Prof. Marijan Herak: List
of Publications
A. Scientific papers in CC and
SCI publications:
1. Herak, M. (1989): HYPOSEARCH – An earthquake location program. Computers & Geosciences, 15, No. 7, 1157-1162.
2. Panza, G. F., Duda, S. J., Cernobori, L., M. Herak (1989): Surface-wave magnitude calibrating function: theoretical basis from synthetic seismograms. Tectonophysics, 166, 35-43.
3. Herak, M., D. Herak (1990): Anomalous seismicity of the Knin area prior to the M=5.5 earthquake of 1986. Tectonophysics, 172, 323-329.
Lee, V., Trifunac, M., Herak, M., Živčić, M., D. Herak (1990):
MLSM computed from strong motion accelerograms recorded
5. Herak, M. (1991): Lapse time dependent Qc-spectra observed in the Dinarides region. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 67, 303-312.
6. Herak, M., D. Herak (1993): Distance dependence of Ms and calibrating function for 20 second Rayleigh waves, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 83, No. 6, 1881-1892.
7. Herak, D., Herak, M. (1995): Body-wave velocities in the circum-Adriatic region, Tectonophysics, 241, 121-141.
8. Herak, M., D. Herak (1995): Reply to Comment on Distance dependence of MS and calibrating function for 20 s Rayleigh waves by J. Vanek, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 85, 962.
Herak, M., D. Herak, S. Markušić (1996):
Revision of the earthquake catalogue and seismicity of
10. Herak, M., Allegretti, I., S. J. Duda (1996): Magnification of undamped seismographs and the analysis of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake record obtained on the Vicentini seismograph in Zagreb (Croatia). Terra Nova, 8, 286-292.
11. Herak, M., I. Allegretti, D. Herak, S. J. Duda (1998): Numerical modeling of the observed Wiechert seismograph magnification. PAGEOPH, 152, 539-550.
12. Markušić S., Herak, M. (1999):
Seismic zoning of
13. Herak, D., M. Herak, G. F. Panza, G. Costa (1999): Application of the CN intermediate term earthquake prediction algorithm to the area of the Southern External Dinarides, PAGEOPH, 156, 689-699.
Lokmer, I., M. Herak
(1999): Anisotropy of P-wave velocity in the upper crust of the central
External Dinarides, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 43, 345-356.
15. D. Slejko, R. Camassi, I. Cecić, D. Herak, M. Herak, S. Kociu, V. Kouskouna, J. Lapajne, K. Makropoulos, C. Meletti, B. Muco, C. Papaioannou, L. Peruzza, A. Rebez, P. Scandone, E. Sulstarova, N. Voulgaris, M. Živčić, P. Zupančič (1999): Seismic hazard assessment for Adria, Annali di Geofisica, 42, 1085-1107.
16. Herak, M. (1999): Principal contributor for
17. Markušić, S., Suhadolc, P., Herak,
M., Vaccari, F. (2000): A contribution to seismic hazard assessment in
18. Allegretti, I., Herak, D., Herak, M., Duda, S. J. (2000) Consistency of magnitudes of the largest historical earthquakes of the first half of the 20th century determined on the basis of Göttingen and Zagreb Wiechert seismograms, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 44, 13-25.
Herak, M., G. F. Panza, G. Costa (2001):
Theoretical and observed depth correction for MS, PAGEOPH, 158,
Herak, M., Orlić, M., Kunovec-Varga, M.
(2001): Did the Makarska earthquake of 1962 generate a tsunami in the central
Adriatic archipelago?, Journal of Geodynamics, 31,
Herak, M., Herak, D., Markušić, S., I.
Ivančić (2001): Numerical modelling of the Ston-Slano (
22. Herak, M., Markušić, S., I. Ivančić (2001): Attenuation of peak horizontal and vertical acceleration in the Dinarides area, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 45, 383-394.
23. Markušić, S., Herak, M., Herak, D., I. Ivančić (2002): Peak horizontal-to-vertical acceleration ratio and local amplification of strong ground motion, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 46, 83-92.
24. Panza, G. F., Alvarez, L., Aoudia A., Ayadi, A., Benhallou, H., Benouar, D., Chen Yun-Tai, Cioflan, C., Ding Zhifeng, El-Sayed, A., Garcia, J., Garofalo, B., Gorshkov, A., Gribovszki, K., Harbi, A., Hatzidimitriou, P., Herak, M., Kouteva, M., Kuznetzov, I., Lokmer, I., Maouche, S., Marmureanu, G., Matova, M., Natale, M., Nunziata, C., Parvez, I., Paskaleva, I., Pico, R., Radulian, M., Romanelli, F., Soloviev, A., Suhadolc, P., Triantafyllidis, P., Vaccari, F. (2002): Realistic modeling of seismic input for megacities and large urban areas (the UNESCO/IUGS/IGCP project 414), Episodes, 25, No. 3, 160-184.
25. Lokmer, I., M. Herak, G. F. Panza, F. Vaccari (2002): Amplification of strong-ground motion in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, estimated by computation of synthetic seismograms, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 22, 105-113.
26. Pamić, J., D. Balen., M. Herak (2002): Origin and geodynamic evolution of Late Paleogene magmatic associations along the Periadriatic-Sava-Vardar magmatic belt, Geodynamica Acta, 15, 209-231.
M. Herak, M.
Živčić, D. Herak (2003): Azimuthal anisotropy of the P-wave velocity in the
hypocentral volume of the
28. M. Herak, I. Lokmer, F. Vaccari, G. F.
Panza (2004): Linear amplification of horizontal strong ground motion in
29. Herak, D., M. Herak, E. Prelogović, S. Markušić, Ž. Markulin (2005): Jabuka island (
B. Publications in international journals not included in
the SCI/CC:
Herak, D., Herak, M., Prelogović, E., S. Cabor (1988): Some characteristics of
2. Herak, M. (1989): The magnitude-intensity-focal depth relation for the earthquakes in the wider Dinara region. Geofizika, 6, 13-21.
3. Herak, M. (1990): Velocities of body waves in the Adriatic region. Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, XXXII, No. 125, 11-18.
Herak, D., M. Herak (1990):
Focal depth distribution in the
5. Herak, M., V. Kuk, D. Herak (1993): Seismological investigations after the Peruca dam explosion of January 28, 1993. International Water Power and Dam Construction, 45, 41-46.
Herak, M., M. Jukić (1993): Fault-plane
solution for the earthquake of 25 November 1986 near
7. Markušić S., D. Herak. I. Sović, M. Herak (1993): Seismicity of Croatia in the period 1990-1992, Geofizika, 10, 19-34.
Herak, D., Herak, M., Sović, I., S. Markušić (1991): Seismicity of Croatia in
1989 and the
Herak, M., D. Herak, S. Markušić (1995):
Fault plane solutions for earthquakes (1956-1995) in
10. Herak, M., I. Allegretti, D. Herak, S. J. Duda (1996): Calibration of the Wiechert seismographs relative to a reference seismometer, Geofizika, 13, 31-59.
11. Herak, M., I. Allegretti, S. J. Duda (1997): Calibration of Vicentini seismographs and magnitude determination for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake on the basis of Zagreb seismogram, Cahier du Centre Européen de Géodynamique at de Séismologie, 13, 177-184.
12. Markušić S., D. Herak, I. Ivančić, I. Sović, M. Herak, E. Prelogović (1998): Seismicity of Croatia in the period 1993–1996 and the Ston-Slano earthquake of 1996, Geofizika, 15, 83-102.
Van der Lee, S., F. Marone, M.
van der Meijde, D. Giardini, A. Deschamps, L. Margheriti, P. Burkett, S. C.
Solomon, P. M. Alves, M. Chouliaras, A. Eshwedi, A.S. Suleiman, H. Gashut, M. Herak, R. Ortiz, J.M. Davila, A.
Aguirre, J. Vila, K. Yelles (2001): Eurasia-Africa Plate Boundary Region Yields
New Seismographic Data. EOS Trans. AGU, 82, 637-646.
Ivančić, D. Herak, S. Markušić,
I. Sović, M. Herak (2002): Seismicity of Croatia in the period
1997–2001. Geofizika, 18/19, 17-29.
C. Publication in domestic journals:
D. Mišković, Mastnak-Car,
2. Herak, M., Skoko, D. i D. Mišković (1982): Prilagodba Geigerovog postupka za lociranje hipocentra potresa. Acta Seismologica Iugoslavica, 8, 1-13.
3. Herak, M. i D. Herak (1983): Određivanje disperzije Rayleighevih valova na nekoliko putanja do Skopja. Acta Seismologica Iugoslavica, 9, 33-43.
4. Herak, D. i M. Herak (1984): Utjecaj parametara jednog modela Zemljine kore i gornjeg plašta na disperziju Rayleighevih valova. Geofizika, 1, 203-215.
Herak, D., Herak, M., M. Živčić (1987): Appendix A in: Jordanovski, R.J.,
Vincent, W.L., Manić, M.I., Olumceva, T., Sinadinovski, C., Todorovska, M.I.,
M.D. Trifunac: Strong earthquake ground motion data in EQINFOS:
6. Herak, D., Herak, M., S. Cabor (1988): Neka obilježja seizmičnosti i katalog potresa šireg područja Dinare za razdoblje 1979-1987. Acta Seismologica Iugoslavica, 14, 27-59.
D. Book:
1. Herak, M, M. Movre, B. Obilić, M. Požek (urednici) (2006): I to je Fizika…, Zbornik popularnih predavanja na
Sveučilištu, HFD, u tisku.
E. Book chapters:
Herak M., Skoko D., D. Herak (2002): Seismology in
2. Skoko D., Herak M. (2002): Andrija Mohorovičić (1857-1936). IASPEI International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (Eds.: P. Jenning, H. Kanamori, W. Lee), Part XII, chpt. 78 (in press).
Herak, M. (2006): Živjeti s potresima, u
I to je Fizika… (
F. Conference papers:
Herak, M. i D. Herak (1984): Analiza
disperzivnih valnih oblika. Zbornik radova sa 6. međunarodnog simpozija Projektiranje i praćenje proizvodnje
pomoću računala,
G. Conference abstracts:
Herak, D., M. Herak
(1986): The 1986 Adriatic Sea swarm: b-value, Symposium on Observations and
Modelling in Geophysics,
2. Herak, M., S. J. Duda, I. Allegretti (1994): The rupture process of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake determined by analyses of P-waves recorded by Vicentini seismograph in Zagreb, Proc. of the Workshop Hystorical seismic instruments and documents: A heritage of great scientific and cultural value, Walferdange, Luxembourg, May 16-18, 16.
Allegretti, I., S. J. Duda, M. Herak (1994): Calibration of the
Vicentini seismograph in
Herak M., G. Panza, G. Costa, S. J. Duda (1995): Theoretical depth
correction for Ms, XXI IUGG General Assembly, July 2-14, 1995,
Herak M., D. Herak, S. Markušić (1995): Stress field determination in the
Gargano Ridge zone (Central Adriatic Sea), Symposium on Seismicity of the
Carpatho-Balkan region,
Herak, D., M. Herak
(1997): Times of increased probability for Earthquakes in the southern part of
external Dinarides, 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI,
7. Markušić, S., M. Herak (1997): Deterministic seismic zoning of the Croatian territory derived from complete synthetic seismograms, 29th General Assembly of the IASPEI, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 18-28, 1997.
Herak, M., G. F. Panza, G. Costa (1997):
How good are global Earth models in predicting the depth dependence of the 20 s
surface waves excitation?, 29th General Assembly of
9. Herak, M., I. Lokmer (1998): Anisotropy of the P-wave velocity in the area of Central and External Dinarides, 23rd EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, 20-24 April, 1998.
10. Herak, D., M. Herak, V. Kuk, E. Prelogović (1998): The Ston-Slano (Croatia) earthquake equence of 1996, 23rd EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, 20-24 April, 1998.
11. Prelogović E., D. Skoko, M. Herak (1999): Contributions to
cognition of relation between recent tectonic movements and seismic activity of
Dinarides in
12. D. Herak, M. Herak (1999): Application of the CN earthquake prediction algorithm to Croatian and neighbouring teritorries, 24th EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands, 19-23 April, 1999.
13. M. Herak, M. Orlić, M. Kunovec-Varga (1999): Tsunami excitation and propagation in the Central Adriatic archipelago – the case of Makarska earthquake (1962), 24th EGS General Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands, 19-23 April, 1999.
14. S. van der Lee, F. Marone, M. van der Meijde, D. Giardini, C. Chiarabba, M. Herak, R. Ortiz, A. Ugalde Aguirre, A.S. Suleiman, G. Chouliaras, J.M. Davila (1999): New broadband stations for imaging crust and upper mantle structure of the Mediterranean region. XXV General Assembly EGS, Nice, France, 25-29 April 1999.
15. S. van der Lee, F. Marone, M. van der Meijde, D. Giardini, C.
Chiarabba, M. Herak, R. Ortiz, A.
Ugalde Aguirre, A.S. Suleiman, G. Chouliaras, J.M. Davila (1999): New broadband
stations for imaging crust and upper mantle structure of the Mediterranean
region. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May
30-June 3,
16. M. Herak, D. Herak, S. Markušić, I. Ivančić (2000): Numerical modelling of aftershock activity in Southern External Dinarides, XXVII General Assembly of the European Seismological Commision (ESC), Lisbon, Portugal, 10-15 September 2000, Book of Abstracts and Papers, 59-60.
17. S. van der Lee, F. Marone, M. van der Meijde, D. Giardini, A. Deschamps, C. Chiarabba, M. Herak, R. Ortiz, A.U. Aguirre, G. Chouliaras, A.S. Suleiman, J.M. Davila (2000): MIDSEA: New plate-boundary broadband stations from Greece to the Azores, XXVII General Assembly of the European Seismological Commision (ESC), Lisbon, Portugal, 10-15 September 2000, Book of Abstracts and Papers, 30.
18. S. van der Lee, F. Marone, M. van der Meijde, D. Giardini, A. Deschamps, C. Chiarabba, M. Herak, R. Ortiz, Ugalde, A., Chouliaras, G., Suleiman, A.S., Eshwehdi, A., Davila, M., Yelles, K. (2001): MIDSEA: New broadband stations for imaging crust and upper mantle structure of the Mediterranean region, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 March 2001, Geophysical Research Abstracts.
19. Herak, D., M. Herak (2001): Lapse-time and frequency dependence of coda-Q in the Adriatic region, EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 March 2001, Geophysical Research Abstracts.
20. Tomljenović B., Csontos L., Herak M., Herak D. (2001):
Neogene-quaternary structures and recent seismicity in NW Croatia (Hrvatsko
Zagorje and
21. Allegretti, I., Herak, M. (2000): Influence of uncertainties
of input parameters on earthquake hazard for the city of
22. Allegretti, I., Herak, M. (2002): Seismic hazard in Dalmatia (Croatia) estimated by Monte - Carlo simulations, XXVIII general Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), Genova, Italy, 1-6. Sep. 2002, Book of Abstracts, 124.
23. Herak, M., Živčić, M., Herak, D. (2002): Pg-wave
velocity anisotropy in the hypocentral volume of the Krn Mt. (slovenia) earthquake sequence. European Seismological Commission XXVIII general assembly,
Book of abstracts,
24. Panza, G, Alvarez, L., Aoudia, A., Ayadi, A., Banhallou, H., Benouar, D., Bus, Z., Chen, Y-T., Cioflan, C., Ding, Z., El-Sayed, A., Garcia, J., Garofalo, B., Gorshkov, A., Gribowszki, K., Harbi, A., Hatzidimitriou, P., Herak, M., Kouteva, M., Kuznetsov, I., Lokmer, I., Maouche, S., Marmureanu, G., Matova, M., Natale, M., Nunziata, C., Parvez, I., Paskaleva, I., Pico, R., Radulian, M., Soloviev, A., Suhadolc, P., Szeidovitz, G., Triantafyllidis,P., Vaccari, F. (2003): Realistic modeling of seismic input for megacities and large urban areas. Geophysical Research Abstracts. European Geophysical Society, 14749-14749.
25. Herak, M. and Orlić, M. (2004): Did the
Makarska earthquake of 1962 generate a tsunami in the central Adriatic
archipelago? The Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics, and
Hazards, Abstract Volume,
26. Herak, D., Herak, M., Prelogović, E., Markušić, S., Marić, K., Ž. Markulin:
27. Herak, M., Allegretti,
28. Herak, M., Herak, D. (2005): Empirical
earthquake recurrence laws in Croatia estimated by forward modeling.
Proceedings of the Workshop, The
second international conference, Science and technology for safe development of
lifeline systems. (Bielik, M., Moczo, P., eds.).
H. Popular and professional papers:
Herak D., M. Herak (2000):
Seizmičnost Stonskog područja.
2. Herak D., M. Herak (2003): Potresi u Istri. Franina i Jurina 50, 225-229
3. Herak D., M. Herak (2004): Potresi u Zagrebu i okolici. Hrvatska revija, IV/4, 37-43.
I. Pozvana predavanja (since 2003):
Herak M. (2005): Andrija
Mohorovičić i razvoj hrvatske geofizike početkom 20. stoljeća.
Hrvatsko ekološko društvo,
Herak M. (2005): Potresi i
seizmologija, Građevinski fakultet (Svjetska godina Fizike),
Herak M. (2005):Potresi i
seizmologija, Festival znanosti,
Herak M., Orlić, M.
(2005): Tsunami!,
Festival znanosti,
Herak M. (2005): Rezultati
istraživanja seizmičnosti i seizmičkog hazarda u Hrvatskoj. Savjet
za Naftu HAZU,
M. Herak, Orlić, M. (2005): Potres i
tsunami od 26. prosinca 2004.
kod Sumatre: nove spoznaje, Svjetski
meteorološki dan i Svjetski dan voda 2005. godine,
7. Tomljenović, B., M. Herak, Herak, D. (2005): Geology of Croatia - Overview on Tectonics in Croatia, RETREAT Tectonic Interpretation Workshop (RTI), Hvar.
Herak, M. (2004): Potresi i
seizmologija, Festival znanosti,
Herak M., Herak, D., Prelogović,
E. (2004): Mapping the active faults in Croatia, COST Action 625 3-D
monitoring of active tectonic structures.
10. Herak M., Orlić, M. (2004): Did the
Makarska earthquake of 1962 generate a tsunami in the central Adriatic
11. Herak, M. (2003): Recent seismic hazard studies in Croatia. First international
conference - Science and technology for safe development of lifeline systems,
Natural risks: developments, tools and techniques in the CEI area,
12. Herak M., Kuk, V. (2003): Overwiew of Croatian seismological network, Earthquake
monitoring in support of disaster preparedness in